Quote of the Week

“Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, some day far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

Rainer Maria Rilke


March 25, 2009

Hello to Each One of You,

Happy Official Spring!

“The Universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it” Marcus Aurelius Antoinius

Change is always in motion and yet we are not always used to it or comfortable with it. It is the one guaranteed event that we are aware of and even then it can take us by surprise. The question would then be; how do we keep our equilibrium with the mass changes we are experiencing and come to the realization that we are creating them ourselves!

I have had the question posed recently that if this is what I am experiencing is this not reality? The answer is yes and you are creating that reality through your thought process. We will pulse thoughts throughout the day and often we are not even conscious of those thoughts as we have been playing them for years and now we are no longer sensitized to them. It is like watching a movie over and over where it doesn’t hold your attention because you are so familiar with it.

These thoughts we are pulsing are creating an electric energy going out into the world and that energy sent out is also attracting like energy and bringing this back to us in the form of experiences. Depending on the frequency of the thoughts meaning the magnetic impulse of the thought and the frequency as in how often together with the emotions attached to the thoughts will bring the energetic reaction back to us in a more powerful way. For example if I am pulsing thoughts of not enough abundance and a powerful emotion of fear is attached to that thought and I am repeating it constantly I can quickly bring about the experience “reality” of “not enough” in my life. This is how our thoughts create our reality.

If this is true why then do we hold an intention and often times that which we are holding does not come to fruition? The power of intention is based on complete alignment of mind, body, soul connected state to create experience. If we are choosing to experience abundance in monetary form yet our background might be many experiences of lack then we might begin to have the emotion of fear around lack which can then block the manifestation of abundance in the form of money. Looking more closely into the emotions that might be underlying the thought in the intention is key to moving into that experience which might be a new one. If we have emotional barriers to this new experience these barriers need to be released in order to allow ourselves the experience in our “reality”.

The next issue is our understanding of our reality itself. Often people ask if this is what I feel is this not the truth of what is happening? Again the answer is yes and we can see that in this massive change we are going through globally why are some people experiencing tremendous fear and loss and others are experiencing a level of expansion and feeling possibilities even while these changes are occurring.

The answer is that our judgment around what is happening is also affecting our experience. Again back to the issue and quality of our thoughts. If we are perceiving these changes on a global level to be precarious and life threatening as is appears on the news we will be feeling FEAR and the creation of our days will begin from that level. If we are choosing from a level of emotional fear we are not always choosing from our highest level we are choosing from a more contracted state and this will lead to lower level decisions. I have chosen to not watch the news as it has altered tremendously from when I was a child and it was called “straight news” and has now altered into mostly opinion from many people not educated in making these opinions.

As a culture we have become interested and often obsessed with the negative, from fright movies to gore to horror and in that fascination we become addicted to news watching it off and on all day. This is planting some very fear based thoughts into our minds which will feed from this input for days. This leads to sleeplessness, thoughts of fear of lack of abundance even for people who might not be experiencing any lack in their own lives but are now pulsing thoughts about someday soon not having enough!

This is how powerful our thoughts are and how we can lead into judging our experience and then finding it hard to work our way into creating different experiences that might correspond more closely to our intention.

So how do we work our way out of the fear thought process and alter our outer reality? The answer is to cleanse the thought process and release the old negative emotions that block and clog our choice of intention. There are two methods that work powerfully to alter our outer reality by altering our inner quality of experience. Breath Work allows us to break free from the incessant chatter of the mind and have the experience of peace of mind, body and soul.

When our consciousness is altered to this degree we are no longer held hostage by crazy thoughts nor identifying so much with the 1000 or so thoughts a day we might have. We experience freedom that we usually only hear about and imagine. We are in a state of awareness as to receive the answers to questions we may have been asking. These answers have always been within our being and yet without freedom from the overactive mind we cannot always hear the answers that are within. We get to process emotions from the physical body which can sponsor illness and mental turmoil and let go of the past which can have a powerful hold over us.

EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique is another powerful tool to immediately release negative emotions around past experiences and traumas that might bubble up for us at unexpected moments and take us out of our daily life experience thought doubt, fear and worry. EFT releases these emotions and allows us to see the past with equanimity and without pain. When we can see the past calmly we are no longer hostage to the past. We are then able to be fully present and create from that place of joy, and peace which is powerful and key to attracting the experiences we are choosing!

Meditation is another powerful tool to create life from the inside out with consciousness. Over the years as my own practice has grown, I have noticed my ability to choose my response rather than be in instant reaction, has grown. While I still have buttons that get pushed I am able to go inside for direction and still choose the action that love sponsors through meditation rather than reacting from fear. The practice of meditation allows us to feel and be filled with the love that alters our being. Being filled with the love and the peace allows us to respond versus react when things occur. Responding instead of reacting will alter any situation quickly and positively when we are choosing the most loving action.

If we rely on our minds only for guidance we can be turning circles in possibilities of reaction and vying for an outcome. When we come from that loving place the outcome is already within us. We remember we are loved and we are safe and once again everything is calm. Meditation helps us to live from this state and alters our “reality” instantly!

Come breathe and alter your state of consciousness allowing you to create health in your mind, body and soul! Classes are every Monday and Friday evenings at 6:30 to 8:30, your will find you release tension stress, old emotional baggage and alter your body’s physical state of health just by breathing in a different pattern! Your body needs you to breathe and in today’s world everyone is holding their breath due to fear and stress. Feel what it feels like to be free of it all!

Come experience EFT and know what it is like to be free of past trauma, old relationship pain and anger, fear and loss. From this point of freedom you will create on a much higher level of peace and calm!

Come begin your own meditation practice, classes are every Tuesday and Thursday at 1-2 pm experience the flow of a short soul talk, learn breath exercises to connect up, diving deep for meditation and then a guided visualization for health and well being. You will feel peaceful, loving and in connection for your day!

“You who want knowledge, seek the Oneness within” Hadewijch II


Stillpoint Body Lounge April 15th a powerful class on relationship with self and others! Learn tools instantly that you can use to alter your experience in relationship and allow the love to be present once again! Class begins at 6:30 – 8:30 and light snacks will be provided. 760.479.9890 come join me for this great empowering class helping us all to move forward in our relationships!!

April 19th Sunday a special breath class for kids and parents. Suggested minimum age is 11 years old for kids. Come experience the power of breath with your child and have this expanded, healing and loving experience together! Please reserve your space for this class as space is limited, 858.204.1876

***Every other Thursday group meetings for two home family members choosing to learn how to re-create in a peaceful positive way and allowing ourselves to learn and grow from our past relationships. Freeing ourselves from pain, sadness and anger! We will begin at 7 pm going to 9 pm. Fee is $30 per person We often learn from others sharing their experience of relationship as well as the dispelling of any illusions that we are the only ones to have this experience! We are all One! Please let me know if you are planning to join this group as we will commit to our sessions and bond as a group. Our first class will be April 2nd.

Breath Classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 pm call or email for your space!
Meditation classes every Tuesday and Thursday from 1-2 pm for beginners and those who love the energy of group meditation!

Please visit www.eamega.com/winterwellness and learn more about amega energy tools for health and well being. Call if you have any questions regarding these amazing tools and how they will alter your health and well being!

Please click on www.recreatingfamilies.blogspot.com for current and past blogs from Re-creating Families!!

Sending love and light,

Happy March 2009

Happy March! Spring is almost here!

March 2, 2009

Hello to Each One of You,

“Sometimes even to live is an act of courage” Lucius Annaeus Seneca

It does take courage to be here. It takes courage to be in relationship and risk it all to be loved. We think we are risking that the other in the relationship may not love us at some point but alas it is our own love that is more elusive! We risk it all to know ourselves in relationship because as much as we think it is about the other person and what they do, it is really about us and our response versus reaction to who they were. No matter where we go there is no escaping the Self. No matter how we try to get away, numb out, escape; drugs, alcohol, tv, food, more relationships, work, there we are in it the whole time!

The amazing thing we get to experience by being present is how much of our present is being dictated by our past programming. Somewhere in the core of our being when we came into these bodies we experienced fear, pain, the illusion of lack; not enough love-attention and the ultimate illusion of separation. That somehow we are alone in our experience and/or separate from the One. The ego is born and magically saves us by creating survival tools that help us move forward and earn the love we need to survive. We will do anything for some of that which we need to continue on, our will to survive is that strong! Then suddenly we are grown and in these adult relationships which require new tools but we are still using the old ones based on the past. We re-create relationships that help us play out the original illusion that somehow we are not good enough, loveable enough, worthy enough etc. and we are again in pain and fear just like before. The past repeating itself. The old moans being moaned again!

How do we move past this? One powerful step is to stop blaming the other for our pain and looking within to see how we co-created these relationships. Who were we in the room? How did we attract this level of relationship? What were we attracted to? How did we expect to be loved in the relationship? How did we see ourselves showing up in that space? Did we want our love to be accepted? Maybe we wanted our love to alter someone else’s life? Save someone? Finally we felt like we would be loved in the space as it wasn’t like that in the past? What were the dynamics? The only way to be free and conscious is to look within. Our journey is about our own consciousness not the other person, (they have their own journey expanding).

One tool that is powerful is to identify and understand our buttons and where they came from. The greatest work I have done has been on my own buttons and I realized I had many all programmed early on in my life experience. My parenting partner helped me to know they existed just by showing up as himself! I am in gratitude that he showed up in my life to help me better understand myself. The work of understanding my buttons has helped me re-program them and I have found new freedom. In that new space the old behaviors of those around me have altered and don’t even show up anymore. Hence it was only there to help me become more aware. Once I was my energy altered, that in my consciousness altered as well.

We work together like dancers. Sometimes it may not seem as graceful as a dance and yet it is. There are movements and reactions to moves and then it builds together to create these elaborate performances which culminate into the dramas of our lives. We ruminate on them, hold onto the pain and discomfort of them and retell them. I have done this. I now know where it has led me which is away from the truth of myself and further into illusion. It is all perfectly choreographed and all we have to do is show up. There is magic and it will always teach us something more, about ourselves!. The goal is to remember to love. Precious little is said about the glory of the most loving!

I invite you to look within and discover your buttons to do the greater work of reprogramming them and finding your own freedom! Your joy is needed in this world and how you live affects those around you. How would you like to touch the world? The answer to that question will lead you to your deeper work and ultimately your joy!!

Breathing alters our being, even though we think other things do it better and faster breath raises our mental, physical and spiritual health by transforming the old negative patterns of the past into positive. We get to cleanse our bodies of negative emotions and illness when we breathe!

Come to breath classes every Monday and Friday evenings at 6:30 – 8:30 and find your joy and re-create your health, this is your birthright!
Your Light adds to the world!

“What a world of grace we live in after all” Rilke

Please visit http://www.recreatingfamiliesblogspot.com/
Sending love and light,

Happy Love Month

February 11, 2009

Happy Love Month!

“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” John Heywood

In actuality, everything is possible and even more so to the open heart and mind! So how do we open up? We were once so open, we were the masters. We loved unconditionally, we lived in the moment and the moment stretched on forever. We forgave instantly and let go of anger, pain and disappointment and went on to play again. We snuffed and wiped our noses, smiled and went forward letting go. What happened, why did we change and when? It happens slowly over time we are shown a different way and we begin to adopt that way of being as The Way.

We begin to receive messages that we are not unconditionally loved if we don’t act or behave in a certain way therefore we begin to love conditionally as well. We have our first introduction into fear and doubt. These two powerful energies then seem to become our best friends. We invite them in and they stay for a lifetime. Suddenly, they seem to have control, they are in the driver’s seat. We know we cannot live without love and fear sets in when we do not receive the love from those we trust the most to love us. Thus begins the search for that which we believe is outside ourselves.

The most unbearable pain is not that which is denied us by another though we will believe it is. The most torturous pain is the absence of our own love.

How do we change this? Realizing that most of the past has been an illusion. Were these parents loving us? Yes, to the best of their ability for who they were and what they knew to do. Realizing that they were in their own illusion feeling unsafe and unloved and then tried to parent with these limitations of pain, doubt and fear. How do you do the intricate work of taking care of and nurturing someone’s self esteem when you have very little of your own? The answer is and always has been Compassion.

The most enlightened Being on our planet now has had everything imaginable taken from him and yet he chooses compassion in response rather than anger in reaction. How does he do this? He has his practice his connection to One larger than himself and knows the truth. He is safe and he is loved, therefore he is free. His joy does not depend on having anything outside himself. He is practicing knowing Truth it is all within himself. The freedom that compassion offers us is larger than anything we can imagine yet we utilize it so infrequently.

What if we held back from judging and chose compassion for one who is acting out or being aggressive? What if we imagined how they lived, what they might have gone through which has made them angry, frightened or in pain? Could we then take a breath and drop into our hearts and feel that expansion that happens when we live in our hearts rather than the mind which judges constantly and condemns regularly. When we condemn we are in pain as well as the person we judge. We just jumped into the pit. When we choose compassion we are lifted and the energy we flow from our beings lifts the one in pain as well.

Choose the action that love sponsors as you will receive that love and be filled. This is how we break the illusion of the past. This is how we know our Truth once again and love ourselves. This journey is about knowing Self. We begin to know who we are in the quiet going within, meditation is key. All we seek is within each of us. When we live from this space rather than the density of illusion we invite others to live in the space as well. Begin now and others will follow your lead into Light into Truth.

This is our time of change looking within will offer the guidance we seek. Breath calms the mind and heals the body. Suddenly we can see through the illusions of the past and we know what truly happened and we are free!

Come breathe and let the moans of the past be moaned no more!

“What a world of grace we live in after all” Rilke

Breath Class is every Monday and Friday evening at 6:30 – 8:30 please call or email your plan to come!

Dates for the future:
February 14th, I will be speaking at Second Saturday. It is an educational program for people going through the process of divorce. There will be an attorney, a CPA, a mediator and I will be presenting on the emotional/spiritual aspects of becoming a two-home family. The cost for the class is $45 and you can pay at the door. Class begins at 8:30 a.m. please share this information with anyone you know going through this challenging process.

February 24th I will be offering a class on the deeper meaning of sacred relationships, understanding the gifts they bring even though there is pain and challenges. How do we transform the energy into love and gratitude? You will find out in this evening of delving deeper into who we really are! Class is offered at Stillpoint Body Lounge in Encinitas 760.479.9890 fee for class $25 please call to reserve your place!

February 25th I will be offering a class on the deeper meaning of sacred relationships, understanding the gifts they bring even though there is pain and challenges. How do we transform the energy into love and gratitude? You will find out in this evening of delving deeper into who we really are! Class is offered at Soul Shine 1217 Camino Del Mar 858.793.1907 fee for class is $25 please call to reserve your place!

Choose the location nearest you!

Beginning Mediation classes are offered every Tuesday and Thursday at 1-2 pm email if you choose to join class and begin your practice of going within and feeling the peace, calm and love that are truly here for you!

Sending love and light,


Happy Season Quietly Turning Inward

January 29, 2009

Happy Season of Quietly Turning Inward,

“And the world that is looked at so deeply wants to flourish in love” Rilke

I believe that each one of us truly wants to experience and live in love, yet why do we often push it away when it is there in our lives? Why do we not offer it to ourselves in even the most quiet moments when no one is looking? Why do we deny ourselves that very succor we need to survive? We came here knowing; we loved unconditionally, we forgave instantly, we lived in the moment and we knew we were perfect; we were the Masters! How did we forget? This is perhaps the most amazing part of this journey! We agreed to forget only to remember again that the only thing that truly exists is love and that we are the love we seek.

When we enter into relationships and we are dashed upon the rocks of despair; somehow the illusion looms strongly we are not safe and we certainly do not feel loved. Sometimes we feel abandoned as the other person is not willing to remain in the circle; there is such a feeling of loss that it can threaten to overcome our very soul. At times we feel this way while we are in relationship in that we don’t feel safe, we don’t feel loved and our very being feels threatened. We begin to build barricades to secure our safety, walls to protect our hearts. It is no longer safe to let another get too close as we might be hurt.

The agreement to forget; why did we make this contract? This is the biggest challenge our beings can face and we have all chosen this experience. Our consciousness is being altered by every experience, by every relationship we enter into with another being. They are holding up the mirror so we can see ourselves. All that we are holding onto the fear, doubt and illusion is reflected back to us. Long ago we agreed to give up the knowledge we had of ourselves to replace it with what others believed of us.

We lovingly offered ourselves up to this experience. We became programmed we developed buttons of sensitivity that we would later experience in intimate relationship as adults so we could re-explore ourselves and know if we choose to continue to hold these sensitized buttons or to re-program our beings and re-member again who we truly are and remember to love again. The challenge is not bigger than we are! It is possible to love truly, deeply and madly and it begins with the Soul Self.

An amazing journey indeed! The best illusion ever created to allow us to engage completely and fully. More emotions could not be explored than on this plane. We have chosen well for ourselves though never to be considered easy. It is simple but it is not easy. It is always choice. Remembering to love ourselves then allows us to love others. Choosing to see value and meaning allows us our gratitude which gives way to joy, peace and health.

The greatest gift we were given was our own free will to choose every moment of every day. We get to choose our thoughts, our actions, our words. We are free! Choose well for yourself remembering you are deserving, it is your birthright to be healthy, joyful, loving and abundant. All it takes is your willingness to surrender and let go! As you remember the love you radiate the Light and you illuminate this plane. It ripples out to everyone you come into contact with.

Breath is the most powerful tool to break through illusion, to see Truth, to remember and be free!
Come Breathe!

“I live my life in widening rings which spread over earth and sky” Rilke

Breath Classes every Monday and Friday evenings at 6:30 – 8:30, come experience the power of breath and all that if offers our bodies, minds and souls!

Some future dates and times:

February 10th I will be at Soul Shine in Del Mar at 6:30 collaborating with Cindy Silbert of Bring U to Life for a seminar she is offering on Manifesting Your Mate,
I will be teaching EFT to the group to eliminate negative emotions which are blocking us energetically from allowing our good to flow. Contact Soul Shine at 858.793.1907 or www.soulshine.com

February 14th I will be presenting at Second Saturday at Mira Costa College. Class begins at 8:30 and you can pay at the door that morning, fee is $45 for the class. There will be presenters in the following areas: legal, psychological issues, financial, CPA, and mediation. This class offers a wide range of education for people choosing to divorce on the process and what to expect and how to move through this transition and remain well. I will be presenting on the psychological issues at 9:30 a.m. If you know anyone who might be going through this process please forward this information.

Tuesday February 24th I will be offering a class at the new wellness center Stillpoint in Encinitas on Second Street (formerly Synergy Yoga) at 6:30. The Class will be centered around understanding the deeper meaning of sacred relationship. People will be able to communicate effectively, respond versus react, understand relationships’ sacred teachings and embrace the past to re-create the future in relationship. Call Stillpoint Body Lounge for your space in class 760.479.9890 (Center) There will be a flyer coming soon!

Wednesday February 25th I will be offering the class on relationship as above at Soul Shine in Del Mar beginning at 6:30 – 8:30 Please choose your location and evening for this deeper exploration of sacred relationship to remember again who we are and what experiences we came to co-create with others! Your being will be expanded with new awareness of yourself and others and their role in your life. Please call Soul Shine for your space in class, 1217 Camino del Mar, Del Mar 858.793.1907

Happy New Year!

“Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, some day far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

Rainer Maria Rilke

The answers, the having, the knowing, we want it all now! We want it so badly now we try to skip over the journey which is actually responsible for getting us there in the end. Where did we lose the ability to ruminate, to contemplate and to sit still and witness what is? When did life start unfolding so rapidly that we have more to do than time to do it? When did we begin to think that keeping our kids occupied every moment was good so they wouldn’t get into trouble? When did we begin to think that life’s experiences were to be controlled and kids should be kept from them? Doesn’t the experience teach us how to make different choices the next time? Didn’t we all have opportunities to make choices to get bruised, to pick ourselves up and be responsible?

We find ourselves in these hurries constantly. Our bellies and our shoulders are tense, we hold our breath denying ourselves life and we rush to add more which supports this state into our every day lives. It is time to find our way back home; back home to the Truth. We have been making all this up. Life is happening now inside and all around us. All we have to do is be willing to sit for moments a day to witness what is here now. Willing to dive inside and connect to that which is greater than ourselves in order to receive the guidance that is here for us. Willing to ask to lay down the struggle and then let ourselves do it.

We rush blindly into the doing and the having and rarely focus on the being. The Truth is that this journey is teaching us so well even right now even with all the pain and discomfort we are experiencing in this global transformation. It is here for a reason. We created it all, the rushing, the outward focus, the egregious desire for more of everything. And now we are having an opportunity to find something else that will fulfill us because the outward focus never truly provided the happiness its lure promised. The pain and discomfort offer us the opportunity to go inside and find the answers. It is perfect. The pain gets our attention more than the joy and we begin to question; what happened? How did I get here? Then slowly but surely and sometimes swiftly the answers come; beacons in the night, whispers in the wind. Answers as to what we have been doing and how we came so far off path.

Breathe, breathe deeply and fully and keep repeating the Truth “I am safe and I am loved” Keep repeating it until your body believes it and health is restored, until your whole being calms down remembering again who you are and where you came from. Breathe until you become the breath itself; Life, Love and Joy!

This is your birthright! Come breathe and see through the illusions that threaten to overcome us! Come breathe until you remember again!

Breath classes are held every Monday and Friday evenings at 6:30 to 8:30

“Nothing in the world is usual today. This is the first morning” Izumi Shikibu

Sending love and light,


Ps there will not be classes from 1/26 to 1/30, they will resume on 2/2! I have beginning Meditation classes on Tuesdays at 1:15 to 2:15 and Thursdays from 1-2 pm. If you are interested in beginning meditation please let me know!

Happy Warm and Cozy Winter!

December 29th, 2008

Happy Warm and Cozy Winter!

“From within or from behind, a light shines through us and upon things and makes us aware that we are nothing but the light is all” Emerson

Ah the light, something we all want and yet it can be so obscured by our thoughts. These powerful messages sent by the thousands through our minds, unhindered, unbridled thoughts of chaos and mayhem which then lead us down a dreary path! Where did the Light go?
The Light is always present and it is as easy as flicking the switch! The Light can be turned back on by reigning in the thoughts, disciplining them and directing them towards that which supports how we choose to feel. Challenging? Hard? Impossible? Yes, challenging at first, like learning to play the piano or a new language, it takes practice and determination to learn. It requires the willingness to be open to form new sounds with an already formed palate; the willingness to be vulnerable trying and not quite reaching perfection, yet still willing to continue the effort. Why would we do all of this?

The only reason that exists is to reach the Light, to remember we are the Light itself as that is where we came from. How could we be anything else separate from the Light? Yet we forget we play thoughts of unworthiness, of darkness, doubt and fear and suddenly we have forgotten as though we never knew. All it takes to remember again is the choice to redirect the thought to gratitude. When I have entered the darkened domain of fear and doubt through the narrow passageway of my thoughts I choose again and again to redirect with the words “thank you” followed by an absolute list of things I can now flow unreservedly of my truth of experience for which I am grateful. My family, the love I have been able to feel for people who have floated and appeared throughout my life, my home, my work, the joy I feel when I am connected and can feel whenever I choose simply by choosing a thought pattern! Try creating your own pattern of thought towards the Light through GRATITUDE!

This is the ending of one year and the beginning of another. Look at all you have been given in this year both that which created pain and discomfort that brought you to new awareness and that which you have been given that brought the breathlessness of joy and new experiences! Allow yourself to move into this new year of experience by choosing to be connected to your Source by choosing gratitude, love and joy.

This new year is the number 9 which is a number representing completions and/or endings. We are in a time and space to let go of old attachments to come to new understandings of ourselves and life as we have been creating it and allow ourselves to step into a new and deeper connected state of awareness, creating consciously with compassion, love and understanding! This is our time to move forward to a new dimension.

There is a current of energy already in place. What can you do? Just be in flow with what is already. Breathing, meditating, and choosing higher forms of expressions of love is the key to keeping all doors and windows open!

Come breathe and remember again who you are and the Light from which you came!

We will be breathing on New Year’s Eve from 5-7 with a short meditation afterwards. Please let me know if you are choosing to begin your year connected, peaceful and joy filled! Class as usual on Friday 1/2/09 at 6:30! Monday’s class on 1/5 will begin at 5:30 to 7:30!

Sending you love and Light,

December 15, 2008,

Flowing into Winter, going inward,

“I swear to you there are Divine things more beautiful than words can tell” Walt Whitman

The holidays often evoke a myriad of emotions, some of which can make us feel badly. The reason that we sometimes feel these emotions is that there are so many expectations placed on the holidays. If we watch television there are thousands of images portrayed that give us the impression of how the holidays should look and feel. Suddenly it is there, expectations and our actuality is not meeting the imagery. When we create the expectations we are no longer in the moment. We miss what is truly there for us. We can show up like children again, having joy just with what is. The beautiful simplicity of being in the moment. Practice letting go of expectations and just show up with your love, your joy and let it unfold knowing the Truth! You are safe and you are loved! Be of service as there is no other faster way to joy than helping another!

The focus of holidays long ago was taken from the simplicity and joy of reverence, gratitude and love to an “ism” which is one of the most powerful, “commercialism”. We are being asked to re-create in a different way because the joy, which is our birthright, has been so diminished. It is easier to live in the simplicity and share moments in the sharing of love, friendship and gratitude than it is to chase the imagery! One family decided to write a loving letter to each member of their family to communicate what that person meant in their lives. What a gift of love to receive! Imagine knowing that your life had touched another so deeply just because of who you are, just because of your presence.

You can share this with others here and now. When I am asked “Do you think this gift is enough”? ( perfect, because in the past I asked this question) I always respond with, your true gift is the love imbibed in the gift, the gift is just an extra. Remember how good it feels to know you are loved. It feels that good to others as well. That is the true gift of this season, it is and always has been the love! So gather those around you and hold them close and tell them how you love them! Because when we leave these bodies the one thing that is so important to us is for those around us to know that we loved them. This I learned from my father when he let go of his body. He wouldn’t leave until he had communicated his love for each of us. So share your love now, make sure it is known for there is no other moment than this moment, now.

This season of Winter is a time to go within, the days are shorter, the nights longer and there is opportunity to go deeper inside and connect to that love that always resides within. Often we are outwardly distracted, there is always something we can be “doing”. Yet taking the time, precious time to be still and go inward offers so much more than we ever dreamed of, all the love we ever wanted is there. This season offers that gift, that brightness, that connected state.

We already have it all, to find it, to receive it, all we have to do is be willing to be still, to turn inward and dive deep! Meditation is the key to receiving it all and breaking through the illusions. We are rich beyond measure and the amazing thing is there is always more! More love, more light, more miracles to appear all around you!

Come dive deep and breathe until you remember who you are and where you came from!
I will be offering a breath class early on new years eve from 5-7 followed by a mediation, to begin the new year connected and with love. If you would like to join us, just send a note with your intention to be here.

Breath classes are every Monday and Friday evenings at 6:30!

Sending love and light,
