Quote of the Week

“Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, some day far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

Rainer Maria Rilke

Love and Life

May 19, 2008

Happy May!

Hello To Each Of You,

“Where there is love there is life” Mahatma Gandhi

I was taking more breath training last week and I am truly grateful for more tools and techniques to help others on their path to health and well being! Classes on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday were truly amazing to facilitate and witness as people were feeling the effects of Breath Work on an even deeper level of release and emotional freedom. There were immediate effects in the physical body as pain was released and a heightened sense of well being and remembering purpose on a spiritual level.

It is amazing that we don’t have to do work for years to gain results in our lives and feel good, free and happy. It can be a matter of moments and the negativity is lifted. I highly recommend the work of Michael Newton PH.D. His books on life in between lives “Journey of Souls” and “Destiny Of Souls” truly alter consciousness and heighten our awareness of our journey here and give a deeper meaning and peace in the knowledge of our own power in our own lives. Dr. Newton writes that the spiritual realm is sending us tremendous support here on this plane for our well being and to help raise consciousness on a mass level.

There are new modalities of healing that are now available to us to help raise that consciousness as well. This is to balance the amount of addiction we have chosen to drugs to make us feel better emotionally which do work but block our consciousness from evolving due to chemically induced states. This is not to judge right or wrong but simply to offer more to us to break through emotional barriers we might be carrying.

I am thrilled to work with people choosing health and well being and their emotional freedom to then be the powerful beings we are to create the life we truly desire! Everything is possible! It is all waiting for us. All we have to do is be willing to move forward! That willingness is the first step.

Choose yourself and your life right here right now and allow yourself to receive all that is here for you now! Come to breath class and experience the joy of knowing who you are. If you are experiencing old emotions and/or traumas come for EFT and see who you are without the pain. You are worthy and deserving of love and freedom.

I will be speaking at Second Saturday on July 12th at Mira Costa College on Healing for Two-Home Families. Please let anyone you know going through this transition about this class so they can gain the tools they need to be well and peaceful. You can register online or in person that day, the cost is $45 for the day of class. There is a CPA, an attorney and a mediator who will present.

“What barrier is there that love cannot break?” Mahatma Gandhi

Love is and always will be there answer love for self and love for others. Love is the only thing that truly exists all the rest we make up!

Come breath with me and be free once again!

Sending love and light,


Childlike Love

May 4, 2008

Hello to Each One of You,

Happy May and extra love to each Mother and the love within each heart!

“ It is when I forget to judge that I remember to live”! Casey Haymes

We can all remember to live right now, right here! All we have to do is be childlike in our presence. Just show up and see the magic again like children do. They are just joyous and smile at whatever shows up. The key to our joy is within our hearts. It is the love within each of us that always exists, it was our original gift! All we have to do is drop from our heads and into our hearts to feel the love again and get away from the jumble of thoughts.

Often we think we are all those thoughts. But that is not who we are. When we step back and don’t judge them they have little to do with who we are. When we engage in each one we get caught up in the illusion of judgment, hurt feelings, pain and then suffering. Drop into the heart and feel the love that truly is who you are. This love is where we come from, how can we be anything else?

We are powerful in making things up. Love is all that truly exists! Come back to the truth of your being. You can experience truth through meditation, breath work and going within. The love and peace is deep inside. When we take the time to remember again who we really are the love radiates from our beings and this truly raises the world. This light we can all send out changes the world. We are the change we seek. It is all right here and now! Join in and see what a difference your love and joy make to those around you!

This is spending your day in a powerful way. Come breath and meditate and find your joy inside you!!

“From within or from behind a light shines through us upon things and makes us aware that we are nothing but the light itself” Emerson

Sending love and light,
