Quote of the Week

“Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, some day far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

Rainer Maria Rilke

Happy Love Month

February 11, 2009

Happy Love Month!

“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” John Heywood

In actuality, everything is possible and even more so to the open heart and mind! So how do we open up? We were once so open, we were the masters. We loved unconditionally, we lived in the moment and the moment stretched on forever. We forgave instantly and let go of anger, pain and disappointment and went on to play again. We snuffed and wiped our noses, smiled and went forward letting go. What happened, why did we change and when? It happens slowly over time we are shown a different way and we begin to adopt that way of being as The Way.

We begin to receive messages that we are not unconditionally loved if we don’t act or behave in a certain way therefore we begin to love conditionally as well. We have our first introduction into fear and doubt. These two powerful energies then seem to become our best friends. We invite them in and they stay for a lifetime. Suddenly, they seem to have control, they are in the driver’s seat. We know we cannot live without love and fear sets in when we do not receive the love from those we trust the most to love us. Thus begins the search for that which we believe is outside ourselves.

The most unbearable pain is not that which is denied us by another though we will believe it is. The most torturous pain is the absence of our own love.

How do we change this? Realizing that most of the past has been an illusion. Were these parents loving us? Yes, to the best of their ability for who they were and what they knew to do. Realizing that they were in their own illusion feeling unsafe and unloved and then tried to parent with these limitations of pain, doubt and fear. How do you do the intricate work of taking care of and nurturing someone’s self esteem when you have very little of your own? The answer is and always has been Compassion.

The most enlightened Being on our planet now has had everything imaginable taken from him and yet he chooses compassion in response rather than anger in reaction. How does he do this? He has his practice his connection to One larger than himself and knows the truth. He is safe and he is loved, therefore he is free. His joy does not depend on having anything outside himself. He is practicing knowing Truth it is all within himself. The freedom that compassion offers us is larger than anything we can imagine yet we utilize it so infrequently.

What if we held back from judging and chose compassion for one who is acting out or being aggressive? What if we imagined how they lived, what they might have gone through which has made them angry, frightened or in pain? Could we then take a breath and drop into our hearts and feel that expansion that happens when we live in our hearts rather than the mind which judges constantly and condemns regularly. When we condemn we are in pain as well as the person we judge. We just jumped into the pit. When we choose compassion we are lifted and the energy we flow from our beings lifts the one in pain as well.

Choose the action that love sponsors as you will receive that love and be filled. This is how we break the illusion of the past. This is how we know our Truth once again and love ourselves. This journey is about knowing Self. We begin to know who we are in the quiet going within, meditation is key. All we seek is within each of us. When we live from this space rather than the density of illusion we invite others to live in the space as well. Begin now and others will follow your lead into Light into Truth.

This is our time of change looking within will offer the guidance we seek. Breath calms the mind and heals the body. Suddenly we can see through the illusions of the past and we know what truly happened and we are free!

Come breathe and let the moans of the past be moaned no more!

“What a world of grace we live in after all” Rilke

Breath Class is every Monday and Friday evening at 6:30 – 8:30 please call or email your plan to come!

Dates for the future:
February 14th, I will be speaking at Second Saturday. It is an educational program for people going through the process of divorce. There will be an attorney, a CPA, a mediator and I will be presenting on the emotional/spiritual aspects of becoming a two-home family. The cost for the class is $45 and you can pay at the door. Class begins at 8:30 a.m. please share this information with anyone you know going through this challenging process.

February 24th I will be offering a class on the deeper meaning of sacred relationships, understanding the gifts they bring even though there is pain and challenges. How do we transform the energy into love and gratitude? You will find out in this evening of delving deeper into who we really are! Class is offered at Stillpoint Body Lounge in Encinitas 760.479.9890 fee for class $25 please call to reserve your place!

February 25th I will be offering a class on the deeper meaning of sacred relationships, understanding the gifts they bring even though there is pain and challenges. How do we transform the energy into love and gratitude? You will find out in this evening of delving deeper into who we really are! Class is offered at Soul Shine 1217 Camino Del Mar 858.793.1907 fee for class is $25 please call to reserve your place!

Choose the location nearest you!

Beginning Mediation classes are offered every Tuesday and Thursday at 1-2 pm email if you choose to join class and begin your practice of going within and feeling the peace, calm and love that are truly here for you!

Sending love and light,
