Quote of the Week

“Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, some day far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

Rainer Maria Rilke
July 6, 2008

Hello to Each of You!

“and though we seem to be sleeping, there is an inner wakefulness that directs the dream and that will eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are” Rumi

It is the 4th of July weekend! Celebrating Freedom and Independence for over 200 years! And yet there is always a battle for freedom going on inside ourselves. This is the battle between the ego and the Soul! The way we can tell who is winning is by checking in with how you feel emotionally. When you are feeling negative emotions the ego is ahead when you are feeling loved, safe and in a truly great place, the Soul is in charge and all knowing. So how do we make sure the Soul is in charge all the time?

The key is going within for the answers to all the questions that arise. Breath Class and Meditation are the powerful keys to Freedom!

Our Soul always knows the truth; that we are safe and we are loved and that there is perfection in everything and every moment. When we play this thought of truth over and over we begin to breathe more deeply, and our whole body responds to this higher truth as Universal Law. Over and over I witness clients as we speak of what is happening in their lives and how it makes them feel. When they begin to see perfection in what they have created in their lives and the opportunities they have drawn to themselves they take a deep breath whereas before they were hardly breathing.

Our Souls and our bodies always respond to truth. Just as our intuition always gives us an indication of whether something feels good or not so good, we cannot deny that inner knowing. It is always present within us. When we are confronted with truth we will feel it in our heart area. Undeniable Truth!! The truth is we are free to choose, we are free to experience life here fully.

The battle between the Soul and the ego is fought every day within us. Where will we align ourselves, in fear and doubt about who we are or if we are deserving or good enough? Or will we choose the beauty in each of us the Divinity within each of us and then see it in every Soul with whom we come into contact? See the beauty and the perfection in your own life and then in every one else’s life. We are all here for a purpose, we are ever evolving consciousness, there are no mistakes only opportunities to learn and grow.

Choose your Soul Self and align your self with high frequency thoughts that bring light and love into each moment and day in your life.

A powerful way to align with our Soul Self is through breath. We calm the mind which can run away with us at times and we have “the journey” which is a communion with your higher self in Breath Class. Don’t let the ego take the power. Come have an awakening and be Free of the past and choose your Soul! Lets remember who we are together.

“What happens when the soul takes hold of the eyes?” Casey Haymes

Sending you all love and light,


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